2023 Annual Impact Report
A Year In Photos
Thank you FPC volunteers!
FPC Events in Forest Park: Community Building, Training, Guided Hikes, and more!
2023 By The Numbers
Thanks to our supporters, our accomplishments and organization continue to grow. Here is a small snapshot of the important work we have done and will continue because of you!
- Hosted 140 events in Forest Park with 1,702 volunteers/participants.
We brushed 27.45 miles of trails with our volunteers. Additionally, we raked 46 miles of trail in the 2023 raking season, double what was accomplished last year and all without leaf blowers! This is thanks in large part to an amazing turnout from our volunteers last year! In total, our community put in 7197.6 total volunteer hours!
Planted roughly 2,500 native plants in Forest Park to improve local ecosystem health.
Deployed 85 Forest Park Ambassadors on the trails to help park users and educate them on Forest Park, our work, and responsible recreation.
Deployed 31 Volunteer Crew Leaders, 75 Rapid Responders, and 49 Independent Volunteers to do work in Forest Park.
Have grown our audience to over 7,300 e-newsletter subscribers and over 18,400 social media followers.
But that's not all, click here to see even more of what we accomplished in 2023!
Thank You FPC Volunteers and Donors
“Whether volunteering with friends and family or joining an opportunity to form new friendships, stewardship is the fastest way to develop and build lasting community ties that help us work together toward common goals. In a time where there’s so much pressure to be online or consume, being in the forest, volunteering, and being and working with individuals in your community is an act of investment in yourself, others, and our future.”
Funding Sources for Fiscal Year 2023
In addition to our 1,702 volunteers, our community includes 1,552 individual Forest Park Conservancy Members and 60 Business Members.
Join Us in the Forest!
Everything we do is thanks in part to the support of our community! If you want to join us out in the field, check out our Events Calendar today.