Summer Adventure Series – Flex & Flow

Join with Flex & Flow for a special 80 for 80 event in Forest Park! Meet at 7 AM. Participants who sign up will be emailed with the location prior to the event date. There will be multiple trail routes to pick from. Maps and way-finding support will be available at the beginning for those who need it. 

Flex & Flow is a Portland-based yoga studio and online fitness community. Their variety of classes combine yoga and strength with stretching and inspiration. 

Reps from the brand HOKA will be on site to raffle off special trail running goodies and provide samples to try on new product. Thank you to HOKA for being a Major Sponsors of the Summer Adventure Series!

When: Saturday, August 7th, 2021, 7:00AM
Where: Leif Erikson at Thurman Lane Trailhead
Who: Anyone regardless of age, sex, gender, race, sexual orientation, or physical ability is welcome to join!

Additionally, FPC will continue to abide by the Oregon Health Authority guidelines, and we ask that all participants follow our policy guidelines found hereAll participants will be asked to wear a mask and remain 6ft from any other participant group, and FPC will make every effort to provide materials to keep participants safe and healthy!

If you have any questions or concerns, please email Marianne Falk ( or check out Flex & Flow to learn more.

Thank you to our Summer Adventure Series sponsors!


Sold out!


Aug 07 2021


7:00 am - 9:00 am


Discovery Hike,
Special Event


Leif Erikson and Thurman Lane Trailhead
Leif Erikson at Thurman Lane

Forest Park Conservancy
833 SW 11th Ave, Suite 800
Portland, OR 97205

Office Hours:
We are currently working remotely.
Please email us to arrange for drop-ins.
(503) 223-5449

We are committed to making the best use of every donation to our mission. Click here for our latest Form 990. Our tax identification number is EIN: 94-3103055.

Forest Park is for everyone. Click here to read Forest Park Conservancy's commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

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