At FPC we love our dogs!
With the weather warming up, more park visitors are headed to Forest Park along with their furry friends. To help keep yourself, your dog, and others safe we wanted to share some quick reminders on responsible trail dog etiquette in Forest Park.
Use a Leash: Forest Park is not an off-leash dog park. You must keep your dog leashed while within the park. The City of Portland has an amazing number of off-leash dog parks citywide – more than any other city in the United States! Due to its ecologically sensitive habitat, Forest Park is not one of them. If you want to find an off-leash area within the city, you can do so here.
Keep Your Dog Under Control: Even friendly dogs can make other patrons nervous, so please be mindful of other park goers. Digging holes can create a tripping hazard for your fellow trail users, so please help prevent additional costly repairs for trail maintenance crews by monitoring your pet’s behavior.
Clean Up After Your Dog: No one wants to find a “suprise” left behind by your dog out on the trails, and picking up after your dog is the law. Dog waste can transmit disease, bacteria, and parasites to other dogs and patrons and is destructive to the natural ecosystem. Dog waste introduces nutrients like nitrates and phosphates which contaminate water sources and soil.
If you’d like to read all of Portland Parks and Recreations’ guidelines, you can refer to their website.
Photo Credit: Ana Alarcón –