Nasty Challenge 2024 Wrap-Up

Forest Park ConservancyUncategorized

In September, in partnership with Northwest Dirt Churners, we announced the return of the Nasty Challenge, a running and hiking challenge in Forest Park and Marquam Nature Park. Not only did our running and hiking community take on the challenge, but you all went above and beyond expectations! 

To support our work in Forest Park and Marquam Nature Park, we set up a fundraiser and challenged participants to hold their own peer-to-peer fundraisers to give back to these parks we love. We set a goal to raise $5,000 as part of the Nasty Challenge, and you far surpassed it! Together, Nasty Challenge participants raised $7,471.26! The sheer enthusiasm and love you all have for our parks and our trails is incredible, and we can’t thank you enough for joining us. 

Additionally, we want to congratulate our Nasty Challenge winners! Participants competed for the titles of fastest runner, fastest hiker, and top fundraiser, and the competition was fierce! Here are your Nasty Challenge 2024 winners:

Fastest Hiker (Man): Joe Durnell

Fastest Hiker (Woman): Amy Kintner

Fastest Runner (Man): Thomas Ferrell

Fastest Runner (Woman): Emily Estrada

Fastest Runner (Non-binary): Baby Timm

Highest Fundraiser: Emily Mannisto-Meyers

Thank you all for joining us for the 2024 Nasty Challenge and we hope to see you again next year!

Additionally, thank you to Northwest Dirt Churners for partnering with us to host the Nasty Challenge, and a special thanks to our prize partners: VJ Shoes, Path Projects, Folklord, Territory Run Co., and HOKA!