Become a Business Member

Business Membership and Sponsorship Opportunities

Forest Park Conservancy counts on support from our business community members to carry out the important work of maintaining and protecting one of the largest forested urban parks in the United States. Our Business Membership Program is how we welcome and acknowledge companies interested in supporting our mission.

Business Member Donation

The benefits of supporting the Forest Park Conservancy are three-fold, supporting the community, the planet, and your business. When you sponsor our work in Forest Park:

  • You’re helping protect access to trails that keep your employees connected to nature and helping restore ecologically critical natural areas.
  • You’re building up the community through supporting events that bring together thousands of volunteers.
  • You have access to a flexible, one-stop event that is great for team-building year-round and is designed to fit your organization's needs.
  • You will be led by expert leadership from FPC staff, along with all the materials needed for a project. No previous experience necessary.
  • You’re giving back to your community and supporting Forest Park.
  • You will be getting your brand in front of our volunteer community. In a survey of our volunteers, 93% of Forest Park Conservancy volunteers would “definitely” or “more likely” support a business if it provided financial support to the Forest Park Conservancy.

Promoting our Partnership - consider the Forest Park Conservancy audience reach:

Business Membership

Business Member ($350+/year)

  • Right to refer to your company as a proud sponsor of the Forest Park Conservancy and use of Forest Park Conservancy marks and logos
  • Linked listing on the Forest Park Conservancy website
  • One wall map of Forest Park suitable for framing.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Investor ($500+/year) All of the Member benefits plus:

  • One social media mention across FPC’s platforms.

Guardian ($1,000+/year) All of the Investor Level benefits plus:

  • Recognition as a supporting sponsor of a large one-day volunteer event.

  • Two invitations to the Forest Park Conservancy Business Appreciation Dinner.

Partner ($1,500+/year) All of the Guardian Level benefits plus:

  • Partner Welcome in our monthly newsletter for first-time donors at this level.
  • Private volunteer work party for up to 15 employees.

Conservator ($2,500+/year) All of the Partner benefits plus:

  • Listing as a Supporting Sponsor of a core program.
  • One private volunteer work party for up to 20 people.

Steward ($5,000+/year) All of the Conservator benefits plus:

  • Listing as a Major Sponsor of one of our core programs.
  • Two private volunteer work parties for up to 20 people each.

Visionary ($10,000+/year) All of the Steward benefits plus:

  • Listing as a Presenting Sponsor of one of our core programs.
  • Mention in all media releases for the period of sponsorship.
  • Spotlight article on the Forest Park Conservancy blog and monthly newsletter.

Blue Diamond ($15,000+/year) All of the Visionary benefits plus:

  • Two spotlight articles on the Forest Park Conservancy blog and monthly newsletter.

Presenting Sponsor ($20,000+/year) All of the Blue Diamond Level benefits plus:

  • Custom benefits package to support our partnership.

Ready to get started?

Make your gift online here, or contact us at or call (503) 223-5449 Ext. 105.

Business Member Donation

The businesses that have provided financial support to the Forest Park Conservancy over the past 12 months are recognized below. We are grateful for this critical support, and we encourage you to let these businesses know that you value their donations that help protect, restore, and connect people to Forest Park.

Presenting Sponsors ($20,000+)

Blue Diamond ($15,000+)

Visionary Sponsors ($10,000+)


Steward Level Sponsors ($5,000+)


Clarey Trust LLC

Conservator Level Sponsors ($2,500+)


Partner Level Sponsors ($1,500+)



Guardian Level Sponsors ($1,000+)


Investor Level Sponsors ($500+)



Business Members ($350+)


Please contact Josh Rentschler by email at or call (503)-223-5449, ext 103 if you have questions, need more information, or would like to discuss ways we can work together.

We are a creative & flexible organization and are happy to work with you to help you protect and restore Forest Park in the best way possible!

The Forest Park Conservancy is a proud Nonprofit Partner of 1% for the Planet.

Please note that we encourage you to conduct your own due diligence when making decisions about visiting a website or choosing a business or service. Business page links are provided as a courtesy, but this does not reflect an endorsement or review by Forest Park Conservancy, nor are such backlinks guaranteed when a business makes a donation of $350 or above. Forest Park Conservancy reserves the right to refrain from including a link to a page that appears to be unsafe. Businesses interested in appearing on this page should contact Marianne Wilburn for more information.