Leave No Trace – Why Picking Up After Your Dog Matters!

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FPC Editor’s Note: This article was prepared by our friends at MyEcoWorld to help spread the word about cleaning up after your dog.

While you’re out hiking in Forest Park and your dog needs to “do their business”, it might seem harmless to not pick up after them, right? After all, you’re out in the woods, so what’s the harm? But leaving dog waste – even if it’s off the trail where no one might step on it – can have big consequences for the local ecosystem, and you! 

Water Quality

Dog waste can get into water sources which can lead to a whole host of problems. Decomposing pet waste releases nutrients that can cause algae blooms and the growth of weeds disruptive to local ecosystems. Additionally, bacteria and viruses found in dog waste can contaminate streams and rivers, causing serious illness to pets, people, and local wildlife. 


You don’t need to come in direct contact with dog waste for it to make you sick! Common parasites, such as roundworms, can pass from pet waste to the soil and can remain active long after the waste has decomposed. These parasites can easily transfer to new hosts – including people!


While we might have an aversion to pet waste, rats do not. Rats are attracted to dog waste and can easily transmit diseases like leptospirosis, typhus, and salmonellosis that can be passed on to people and local wildlife.

It’s Common Courtesy—and the Law

In addition to the various environmental and health concerns around not picking up after your pet, it’s just a common courtesy! Forest Park is for everyone, and we should all do our part to keep it clean and beautiful. 

Additionally, neglecting to clean up after your dog is a violation of not just park rules, but city law and can potentially be met with a fine. So be a responsible park user and avoid getting fined!

I picked up the poop—now what?

While MyEcoWorld Pet poop bags are compostable to stringent US and International standards—pet poop is not.  The best way to dispose of pet poop while walking the trails at Forest Park is to use one of the convenient garbage cans in the park to throw it away. Don’t just leave it bagged on the trails!  

As a proud Business Member of Forest Park Conservancy, MyEcoWorld supports FPC’s Volunteer Ambassador Program. You can visit MyEcoWorld’s website to learn more about reducing single-use plastic consumption, tips and tricks on composting, and subscribe to their monthly compostable bin liner and poop bag delivery program.