Forest Park Conservancy and Friends of Marquam Nature Park Are Undergoing a Merger
What Does this Mean?
For years, both Forest Park Conservancy and Friends of Marquam Nature Park have worked tirelessly to steward and care for their respective parks in the city of Portland. Now, the two organizations will be joining together, under the umbrella of FPC, as we look to how we can better care for both parks.
This process began with talks between FPC and FMNP on how the latter could increase capacity to hire more staff and increase their impact in Marquam Nature Park. Through these conversations, the idea of an organizational merger arose. Now, FPC will be continuing the work of FMNP to steward Marquam Nature Park with their community.
While FMNP will be dissolving as a 501 c3 as part of this merger, we promise not to forget the values and missions of the organization as we adopt them into our work. We look forward to connecting with the FMNP community to work with them to care for Marquam Nature Park. In addition, two FMNP board members will be joining FPC’s board of directors to help guide our work and ensure the voice of the organization remains with us.
To all of our current FPC supporters and volunteers, this merger will not distract us from our current work in Forest Park. In fact, we hope to create further opportunities for people to get involved with us and engage in the work we do. Together, we hope to continue to care for both parks in the face of threats such as climate change.
As we work through this transition period, we want to assure supporters that their donations will still have control over their contributions. When you donate to FPC you will be able to designate your donation as being for Forest Park, Marquam Nature Park, or both.
We are excited about this opportunity and hope you will join us as we work to care for both parks.
This is a big development, and we know you will likely have questions. To try and help clear up this process and any questions or concerns you may have, we have provided an FAQ at the bottom of this page. You can also click the button below to read the new Letter from the Director about this announcement.
About Marquam Nature Park
Marquam Nature Park is a Portland Parks & Recreation Natural Area. Comprised of over 200 acres of undeveloped land and over 7 miles of hiking trails it is the third largest park in Portland. Minutes from downtown and easily accessible by public transportation, the park provides excellent hiking and running opportunities, an escape from city life, forested scenic views, and native habitats that help to enhance the region's air and water quality. Marquam Trail, an important 7-mile link in the 40-Mile Loop trail system as well as being the "Trail" portion of the 4T, runs through the park and provides a connection to other trails and natural areas throughout the metropolitan area.
Friends of Marquam Nature Park volunteers have worked in partnership with Portland Parks & Recreation and others to conserve, maintain and enhance the historical, natural, and recreational resources of Marquam Nature Park and to educate the public about the park's unique natural and cultural history