Forest Park Ambassador Webinar – Saturday, May 15th

Forest Park Conservancy

We’re  is continuing the Forest Park Ambassador Program into 2021. Through this program, volunteers become trained leaders in the field, engage with park visitors and educate them on Forest Park so that everybody can better access the natural resources in their community and feel like they belong. Forest Park Ambassadors …

Early Detection & Rapid Response Training

Forest Park Conservancy

With more than 80 miles of trail, maintaining the health of Forest Park requires a special group of volunteers consistently monitoring and reporting conditions on the ground. FPC’s Rapid Response Team walks, hikes, and runs the forest, reporting downed trees, invasive species, and other trail problems, throughout the summer and …

Forest Park Ambassador Webinar Training – Thursday, March 18th

Forest Park Conservancy

We’re  is continuing the Forest Park Ambassador Program into 2021. Through this program, volunteers become trained leaders in the field, engage with park visitors and educate them on Forest Park so that everybody can better access the natural resources in their community and feel like they belong. Forest Park Ambassadors …

Forest Park Ambassador Webinar Training – Saturday, March 13th

Forest Park Conservancy

We’re  is continuing the Forest Park Ambassador Program into 2021. Through this program, volunteers become trained leaders in the field, engage with park visitors and educate them on Forest Park so that everybody can better access the natural resources in their community and feel like they belong. Forest Park Ambassadors …