2022 Annual Impact in Forest Park
A Year In Photos
Thank you FPC volunteers!

FPC Events in Forest Park: Community Building, Training, Guided Hikes, and more!

2022 By The Numbers
Thanks to our supporters, our accomplishments and organization continue to grow. Here is a small snapshot of the important work we have done and will continue because of you!
Hosted 135 events in Forest Park with 1,700 volunteers/participants. Included in this, we rebranded our Discovery Hikes program to the Nature Education program and hired a Nature Education Manager to start providing more accessible and educational event programming.
Raked 23 miles of trail. We also brushed 29 miles of trails with our volunteers. In total, our community put in over 2,000 total volunteer hours!
Planted 10,000 native plants in Forest Park to improve local ecosystem health.
Deployed 49 Forest Park Ambassadors on the trails to help park users and educate them on Forest Park, our work, and responsible recreation.
Deployed 28 Volunteer Crew Leaders, 42 Rapid Responders, and 50 Independent Volunteers to do work in Forest Park.
Have grown our audience to over 7,000 e-newsletter subscribers and over 17,000 social media followers.
- But that's not all, click here to see even more of what we accomplished in 2022!
Thank You FPC Volunteers and Donors
“Working as part of a team that holds a shared love for the land and a commitment to centering traditional ecological knowledge has broadened my view of what it means to be a steward of the forest.”
Funding Sources for Fiscal Year 2022
In addition to the more than 1,300 volunteers, our community includes 1,552 individual Forest Park Conservancy Members and 60 Business Members.

Join Us in Forest Park
We have big plans for this summer, and to celebrate the 75th birthday or Forest Park this fall! There are so many ways to get involved, and we have a lot of work to do! We hope to see you on the trails. Thank you for your support for your ongoing commitment to caring for Forest Park for current and future generations to enjoy.